Pdf Mystery Method The Venusian Arts Handbook


Mystery Method - The Venusian Arts Handbook. Mystery Method - The Venusian Arts Handbook.pdf 0; Size 33 MB; Fast download for credit. The Waffen SS Handbook.pdf.

Among men who study the science of dating and attraction (often called pick up artists, or PUAs, or venusian artists), the book the Venusian Arts Handbook plays an important, if often misunderstood role.

The Venusian Arts Handbook was written by Mystery, aka Erik von Markovik, when he was employed as an instructor with Mystery Method Corporation. (The company used Erik’s stage name Mystery and made him a chief spokesperson). In it, the Mystery described the science of love and dating as the venusian arts.

Mystery’s Venusian Arts Handbook was published as an ebook in 2005. It later formed the basis for the book The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women in Bed published by St Martin’s Press. In this book, the mystery method (a self-coined term by Erik von Markovik) very much followed the techniques of the earlier Venusian Arts Handbook. For example, such techniques as negs, opinion openers, and peacocking feature prominently.

The Venusian Arts Handbook Today
Some pick up artists or venusian artists criticize Mystery for going mainstream by publicizing and watering down some of the PUA techniques from the original Venusian Arts Handbook in the book The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women in Bed and the VH-1 TV Show The Pickup Artist. This may be unfair, since it is not clear how influence Mystery / Erik von Markovik had over his partners at the time, including co-author Chris Odom (Lovedrop) and Stan Tayi (Matador).
Therefore, many PUAs still use and rely on the Venusian Arts Handbook if they can locate a copy. However, this venusian arts book is no longer published, so torrents are most people’s best chance at finding it.

Pick Up Artists: The Next Generation
Most pick up artists today agree that the book the Magic Bullets Handbook is the bible of pick up and seduction. The Magic Bullets Handbook was first published by Mystery Method Corporation (as it then was) in 2007. In a fascinating experiment, a Hong Kong-based magazine gave several men a copy of Magic Bullets and asked them to try out those PUA techniques. The results were astonishingly successful.
However, the Magic Bullets Handbook provides a much different path to seduction than The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women into bed. While most agree that Magic Bullets is a far superior book, it is an open question about whether it is truly the heir to the Venusian Arts Handbook.

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About the Author
PUAREVIEWS is a frequent reader, consumer, and reviewer of venusian arts or pickup artist techniques, including those found in the Venusian Arts Handbook and The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed.
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The Mystery Method The Venusian Arts Handbook Pdf

Mystery is, of course, the biggest name in pickup, and with good reason. It was Mystery who first broke down the systematic approach to game, teaching the fundamentals in “The Venusian Arts Handbook,” an ebook which would later be repackaged and edited into “The Mystery Method,” one of the first books on pickup to come from a major publisher. Later, Mystery would gain more fame after being a central character in Style’s memoir, “The Game,” and with the VH-1 show, “The Pickup Artist.”

After some troubled business dealings with some former partners, Mystery abandoned the “Mystery Method” name for his business, and began a new business called Venusian Arts. Working with Lovedrop and Matador, Mystery set about re-thinking what a student needs to develop a mastery of pickup, and the results, well, they speak for themselves.

The core of Mystery’s new company is the ebook “Revelation.” This is, to be blunt, the hands-down best comprehensive book on pickup that you will find. It covers the theory and practice of pickup with depth and sophistication. Primarily written by Lovedrop – who is an excellent writer and instructor – this ebook contains tons of fantastic material, with lots of contributions by Mystery and Matador.

This book is deep and sophisticated, and requires a fair bit of willingness to work with it. It is a good choice for raw beginners as it is extremely challenging and really forces you to work outside your comfort zone. If you have some exposure to pick up, and enjoy learning from books (as opposed to video and audio tracks) well, it’s hard to do better than this ebook. It’s extremely comprehensive, and an excellent mix of theoretical and practical advice.

There’s also a companion video and audio set. The audio, which was previously released with a different video package, is excellent. Again, it’s mostly taught by Lovedrop, who is an intuitive and compelling teacher who speaks passionately about his subject, without sacrificing clarity and precision, while the video highlights both Mystery and Matador. This is, again, absolutely top-notch material with a good balance of practical and theoretical. (If I was going to take an intensive session with any master pickup artist, my short list of who to take it with would be topped by Lovedrop and Style).

Venusian Arts also offers the standard bootcamps. If you’ve read The Game, you have a sense of how transformative these experiences can be. Nearly all of the people who founded the major pickup schools (Love Systems, Real Social Dynamics, Styelife, etc) got their start taking a bootcamp along the lines of those offered by Venusian Arts. Success stories abound.

The mystery method the venusian arts handbook pdfHandbook

Particularly if you were first exposed to the seduction community through “The Game,” or “The Pick-Up Artist” reality show, it makes a lot of sense to take a Venusian Arts class. This is as close as you’re going to get to taking those original lessons with Mystery himself. (Pricing information is somewhat hidden on the website, but bootcamps do seem to run in the vicinity of the industry-standard $3000).


Based on feedback from their students and apprentices, Mystery and his new business partners have come back to the fundamentals, producing some of the best material available on pickup. Some of it is pricey, but if you’re willing to work and want a solid mix of theoretical and practical information, it’s hard to go wrong with Venusian Arts.

Pdf Mystery Method The Venusian Arts Handbook 3

Plus, you are learning from the original master pickup artist. What’s not to like?

Pdf Mystery Method The Venusian Arts Handbook Pdf

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