Family Environment Scale Manual

Family environment scale manual -Family environment scale manual 2019

Basic description

Published in 1981


The Family Environment Scale 3rd Edition (FES)12, 13 (self report by ages 11+) X Kronenberger & Thompson Factor-analytic Component Scoring, Family Environment Scale15 (self report by ages 11+) X Family Inventories Package:16 Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale IV (FACES-IV); Family Communication Scale.

The Family Environment Scale (FES; Moos and Moos 2009) is a self-report multidimensional measure of social climate within families.The first edition of the Family Environment Scale was published in 1981; since then, Moos and Moos have updated the manual for the measure in 1984, 1994, and most recently in 2009. The Family Environmental Scale (FES; Moos & Moos, 1986) is a widely used measure that was developed to measure social and environmental characteristics of families. This measure has been used in thousands of studies to capture critical aspects of family functioning. Family environment patterns in families with bipolar children. Family Environment Scale manual and sampler set: Development, applications and research. Three forms of the FES were developed: The Real Form (Form R) measures people’s perceptions of their current family environment. The ideal Form (Form I) measures people’s preferences about an ideal family environment. The Expectations Form (Form E) measures people’s expectations about family settings.

Three forms of the FES were developed:

  • The Real Form (Form R) measures people’s perceptions of their current family environment.
  • The ideal Form (Form I) measures people’s preferences about an ideal family environment.
  • The Expectations Form (Form E) measures people’s expectations about family settings

All three FES forms (Form R, Form I, and Form E) use the same answer sheet, scoring key, and profile form.

A child version of 30 items is also available

Authors have developed two summary indices from combinations of the FES subscales:

  • The Family Relationships Index, a 27-item index of the quality of family relationships, is the sum of the Cohesion, Expressiveness, and Conflict (reversed) subscales.
  • The Family Social Integration Index, another 27-item index, is the sum of the Intellectual-Cultural Orientation, Active-Recreational Orientation, and Moral-Religious Emphasis subscales.

Moos R; Moos BS

Copyright © 1974, 2002 Rudolf H. Moos. All rights reserved.

Family Environment Scale Manual Pdf

Therapeutic area
  • Generic


Type of Clinical Outcome Assessment (COA)
  • PRO
Original language(s)
  • English for the USA
22 translation(s) Family environment scale manual pdf
Bibliographic reference(s) of the original questionnaire

Moos, R. H., & Moos, B. S. (1981). Family environment scale manual. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Moos, R. and Moos, B. (1986). Family Environment Scale Test Manual. California: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Moos, R. (1990). Conceptual and empirical approaches to developing family-based assessment procedures: Resolving the case of the Family Environment Scale. Family Process, 29, 199-208 (PubMed Abstract)

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