Avenir Manual

  1. Avenir Bike Computer Manual

Created Date: 7/28/2016 9:29:52 PM. Avenir Hybrid Ladders and Dry Element Rails are supplied with SELV (Separated Extra Low Voltage) power supplies - These have been specifically designed and manufactured for supplying heated appliances located in wet areas (Zone 1), offering safety and flexibility when choosing where to install your heated rails in your bathroom.

SPECTRUM is a suite of easy to use policy models which provide policymakers with an analytical tool to support the decision making process.

ManualAvenir wireless bike computer manual

SPECTRUM consists of several software models including:

  • DemProj: Demography
  • FamPlan: Family Planning
  • LiST: Lives Saved Tool (Child Survival)
  • AIM: AIDS Impact Model
  • Goals: Cost and impact of HIV Intervention
  • Resource Needs Module: Costs of implementing an HIV/AIDS program
  • RAPID: Resources for the Awareness of Population Impacts on Development
  • TIME: TB Impact Model and Estimates – Epidemiological and cost-effectiveness analysis of TB control strategies
  • Malaria: Impact of malaria interventions
  • STI: Estimation of burden and trends in Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • NCD: Non-communicable diseases and mental health, substance abuse, and neurological disorders

Most models are available in English, French, and Spanish. Some are also available in Portuguese, Arabic, and Russian
Learn more about the models included with Spectrum.

More Resources

More information on Spectrum can also be found at the following links:

The OneHealth Tool is a model to be used for supporting national strategic health planning in low- and middle-income countries. The tool facilitates an assessment of resource needs associated with key strategic activities and their associated costs, with a focus on integrated planning and strengthening health systems.

This model seeks to leverage the most useful components of the different tools that currently exist and is designed in a modular fashion allowing for program specific costing as well as health system component costing. The development of the tool is overseen by an inter-agency group consisting of experts from UN agencies and development institutions (the IAWG-Costing).


More Resources

Avenir Bike Computer Manual

More information on the OneHealth Tool, its sponsors and governance structure can be found at the following links: